It is the most popular exam. conducted by TNPSC. Normally it is conducted every year. The number of vacancies is also considerable – usually around 1500 every year. It is a Degree Standard exam. conducted in both English and Tamil. The detailed syllabus has been given hereunder. Though it is mostly based on Samacheer syllabus, the questions are asked apart from these also. You have to pay your attention on ‘Current Events’ also. Nearly 8,00,000 candidates apply for 1500 Vacancies. But you need not be afraid of this disproportionate number. Only about 20,000 candidates put full efforts to face the exam. A personal interview will be conducted for the posts which come under Group II. So you need to groom your personality skills. The starting Salary will be around Rs.40,000/- with other benefits.
We have prepared our guide covering every nook and corner of the syllabus. If you are thorough with our guide, you can easily score 85% marks. Normally the cut off mark will be 70% to 75%. Our guide runs to more than 1200 pages. Buy our latest guide. It has got all necessary updates. We have taken enough care to include all box matters from the samacheer books.
We have paid extra attention on questions asked in previous years’ questions. We have also published a separate guide containing “Previous years’ Question and Answers with explanatory answers.” In most cases, we have given explanations for all the four choices given under each question. We can plainly challenge that no other guide or mostly copied online materials can match our standard guide.
Read the syllabus and go through a few pages from our guide given for your perusal. Buy the guide. Don’t read. Study each line. Your success is assured.
25 questions are asked on Arithmetic and Logical Reasoning. Those who have shown special interest on mathematics can answer the questions on arithmetic easily. But you have to develop special skills to answer Logical Reasoning. It needs constant practice, as it consumes your precious time in the exam. which you may not feel.
We have given a lot of exercises and practice tests.
The syllabus for Preliminary exam. of Group II covers also – History of Tamil Society, Findings from Archaeological excavations, History of Tamil Literature from Sangam age to the present day, Role played by Tamilnadu in Independence movement, Politico – Social movements in Tamilnadu in 19th & 20th centuries, Human Relations, Administrative Reforms in Tamilnadu and e-governance.
In the recent notification issued by TNPSC on 21.10.2019, it is given that much importance would be given to the subjects mentioned in the above paragraph. Hence we have given all the materials related to them in Tamil itself (as spearate guide book priced at Rs.350), as it is now clear that the examinees without deep knowledge in Tamil cannot clear the Prelims.
In addition to these topics, the syllabus covers, social justice, self-respect movement, Education and Health in Tamilnadu.
Emphatic importance has been given to Thirukkural. Society, polity, economy and humanism as expounded in Thirukkural also form part of the syllabus.