Union Public Service Commission has announced UPSC NDA2 Result Exam Result 2014 for the candidates who had appeared in UPSC NDA 2 Written Exam.
Union Public Service Commission conducts a various important examinations like Combined Defense Services, Civil Services, and National Defense Academy Exam and elects the aspirants on the basis of results of written examinations after the result announcement the selected entrants will be called for skill test and Personal Interview.
NDA exam is conducted twice every year and this year(2014) the UPSC has been conducted the second NDA successfully and many students appeared in this exam,
Exam was held on: 28th September, 2014
Organization name: Union Public Service Commission
Exam Name: NATIONAL DEFENCE ACADEMY & NAVAL ACADEMY EXAM.(II),2014 Candidates can check their UPSC NDA2 Final Cut Off Marks List and download Exam Result by following some steps given below by the team of surabooks.com.
Aspirants who have qualified NATIONAL DEFENCE ACADEMY & NAVAL ACADEMY EXAM.(II) are invited for the interview which is going to be held in the month of July 2015.
Before the interview candidates should submit their original certificated to the Union Public Service Commission.
For detailed information regarding the actual date of commencement of the above courses, please visit the websites of Ministry of Defence i.e www. joinindianarmy. nic.in or indianarmy .gov.in.
These result is also be available on the UPSC Website at http:// www.upsc.gov.in. However, marks of the candidates will be available on the Website after 15 days from the date of declaration of final results.
For any further information, the candidates may contact Facilitation Counter near Gate ‘C’ of the Commission, either in person or on Telephone Nos.011- 23385271/ 011-23381125/011- 23098543 between 10:00 Hours to 17:00 Hours on any working day.